What's new at JMI this year? Try some world-class, mind blowing reverse binoculars!
The JMI RBX 8” Reverse Binocular telescope allows you to look down into the eyepieces, either sitting or standing, to see what is in the sky behind you, instead of straining to look up as is the case with normal binoculars. They are built with two aligned 8” Newtonian optical tubes on an alt-az mount creating a very compact and comfortable viewing experience.

Binocular telescopes show their superiority in two major areas;
1) enhanced visual clarity due to improved contrast and resolution and
2) complete elimination of eye fatigue.
The Reverse Binocular telescope includes an altitude-azimuth mount. Altitude-azimuth is sometimes abbreviated as alt-azimuth or just alt-az. An alt-az mount moves in altitude (up and down) on a horizontal axis and in azimuth (left and right) on a vertical axis like a gun turret on a tank. And what a tank!!
Now that's a real “shooting star”.... ;)
Order your JMI Reverse Binoculars from OPT today!
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