Last year hundreds of thousands of people participated in one way or another with the International Year of Astronomy. Now we're a year later and there's no reason to let the excitement die! Astronomers Without Borders are celebrating the entire month of April as Global Astronomy Month and one of the focus points is just three days from arrival... Global Lunar Week!
" A week-long series of programs, from April 10 through 16, will be dedicated to the Moon during Global Astronomy Month to help people rediscover our closest companion in space." says AWB. "Lunar Week takes place while the Moon is well-placed for observation in the evening sky. As the Moon's phases and positions change during its orbit around the Earth, there will be Moon-themed star parties to observe the Moon by telescope and naked eye, educational programs, online observing events, competitions and a celebration of the Moon in different cultures."
Astronomers Without Borders has a theme - One People * One Sky. For all of those that read astronomy blogs or particpate in international astronomy websites, we realize quickly how astonomy can bring together friends from different countries, different cultures and different time zones. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could all observe together?
The dream can come true...
Sander Klieverik from AstronomyLive is working with telescopes around the world to celebrate Global Lunar Week and bring the view right to you.
“The week will start with an amazing broadcast from the historic Chamberlin observatory of the Denver university (with the help of Prof. R. Stencel). It will start April 9th between 7-10pm local time (Denver), which is 01-04 GMT April 10th.” says Sander. “Our goal is to get as many telescopes pointed towards the Moon as possible. I hope that there will be a continuous view of the Moon somewhere from the globe the whole week.”
How can you participate? It’s easy! Just tune into the AstronomyLive Website and follow the instructions. “During the Lunar Week, AstronomyLive will host at least two broadcasts, currently scheduled 15th and 16th of April.” instructs Klieverik. “The first broadcast will take you on a journey across the 85% illuminated lunar surface, on the hunt for the most beautiful craters during this phase, the ´Crater hunt´. The craters at the terminator will receive special attention, the dark side of the moon that changes during the Moon phase. Please know that you will see a LIVE view of the Moon and not some Moon photo. The same accounts for the “Apollo Hop”.
Come one, come all… Lunatics are welcome!
Lunar Week Graphic courtesy of Astronomers Without Borders.
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